Connect to Housing

Housing Connect provides quality, affordable housing to low and moderate income households in Salt Lake County.

We administer our housing through numerous waiting lists: the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program (formerly Section 8), Project-Based Vouchers (PBV), Rental Assistance Demonstration Project Based Vouchers (RAD PBV), and Public Housing.

Our partner, the Utah Housing Corporation, compiled a list of additional housing opportunities for low-income households in Utah, to view the list please click here.

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52 FYI Vouchers Press Release

52 FYI Vouchers Press Release

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PHA Annual Plan & Moving To Work (MTW) Supplement for Review and Public Hearing

PHA Annual Plan & Moving To Work (MTW) Supplement for Review and Public Hearing

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FAQs About Applying for Housing Programs

  • How do I know if I am eligible for housing assistance?

    Households qualify based on their annual gross family income. They must qualify under federal income limit guidelines, which are adjusted annually. Families must qualify under the “very low” income category according to the number of persons in their household.

    The 2023 Income Limits are as follows:

    1 person – $35,850
    2 people – $41,000
    3 people – $46,100
    4 people – $51,200
    5 people – $55,300
    6 people – $59,400
    7 people – $63,500
    8 people – $67,600
  • Do you have emergency housing or emergency assistance?

    No. Federal subsidized housing only has funds to assist a limited number of clients. There are not enough funds to assist everyone who qualifies. That is the reason why the wait may be several years. You may call #211 for information on emergency shelters or other emergency housing.

  • I just submitted my application, how long will I have to wait for help?

    There is no simple answer to this question because an applicant’s wait will depend upon the housing unit(s) they qualify or applied for and the date of their application, in addition to subsidy availability.

    Housing Connect assists approximately 3,100 households with Federal subsidies. It is difficult to predict when a household will come out of the program to make housing available to a new household. You can verify your status for the programs you have applied to on-line.

  • What happens after I apply?

    If your name is drawn from the waitlist, we will send you a packet of forms to determine your eligibility to the program. We will notify you in writing once your eligibility is completed and that communication will contain the next step in the process.

    ** Please be certain to keep your application updated at all times. You can submit changes on-line or in writing. Changes are not accepted by phone. It is important to have an address you can receive mail at. If we send you mail and it is returned by the post office, your name will be removed from the waiting list. **

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